Legatura dintre un autoturism si insulele Hawaii .

Legatura dintre un autoturism si insulele Hawaii . 

Discover the pleasure of driving .

Numele Kona derivă din districtul omonim al insulei mari din insulele Hawaii .

Hyundai Kona este un crossover compact din segmentul B dezvoltat de Hyundai pentru piața globală .

KONA a devenit un simbol in segmentul din care face parte.

 Actualizarile de design adauga modelului un aer rafinat, contemporan.

 Liniile ascutite confera modelului un aspect mai elegant.

 * KONA integreaza acum cele mai recente sisteme pentru siguranta soferului si a pasagerilor .

 * KONA ofera functii avansate de conectivitate, care integreaza telefoanele de tip smartphone si permit utilizarea intuitiva si in siguranta a acestora in timpul deplasarii.


 * Sistem de asistenta pentru mentinerea autovehiculului pe centrul benzii de rulare (LFA).

O functie noua, LFA corecteaza automat directia autovehiculului, la viteze de pana la 200 km/ h.

 *Pilot automat inteligent (SCC) cu sistem Start/ Stop.

 * Sistemul SCC a fost actualizat pentru a include functia Stop and Go

 * Camera video pentru marsarier.

  KONA dispune de o camera video pentru marsarier, cu linii de ghidare dinamica.

Te asteptam la Francrocar sa descoperim Romania frumoasa impreuna .

Discover the pleasure of driving the Hyundai Kona .

The name Kona derives from the homonymous district of the big island in the Hawaiian Islands .

The Hyundai Kona is a segment compact crossover developed by Hyundai for the global market.

KONA has become a symbol in the segment it belongs to.

The design updates add a refined, contemporary air to the model.

The sharp lines give the model a more elegant appearance.

*  KONA now integrates the latest systems for driver and passenger  safety .

* KONA offers advanced connectivity functions that integrate smartphones and allow their intuitive and safe use while driving.

* Assistance system for keeping the vehicle in the center of the lane (LFA). A new function, LFA automatically corrects the direction of the vehicle, at speeds of up to 200 km/h.

 * Intelligent automatic pilot (SCC) with Start/Stop system.

 * The SCC system has been updated to include the Stop and Go function .

     Reverse camera. KONA has a reverse camera with dynamic guidance lines.

We are waiting for you at Francrocar to discover beautiful Romania together.

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